Mental Fitness
What Stops you?
One of the things that I would say is that nothing that I say is true.
However, your mindset really dictates everything you do.
The question you want to be asking yourself is:
- Where are your thoughts taking you?
- What is it you’re trying to achieve through your thoughts?
- Who’s driving the bus?
- You say that you want this body and that you want to achieve these results, but what is it that’s really stopping you?
- Or what is it that you really want “Specifically”?
Who Decides?
You have to understand that you decide things.
Then you take action, and then you get a result.
It may not be the result you want, but it is still a result.
Nevertheless, there was never any failure. There is only feedback.
You need to develop a pattern of focusing on small goals. There are six basic human needs.
- 1. Significance (do you feel like you matter?)
- 2. Growth? (Are you still learning or enjoying new things?)
- 3. Uncertainty (We need some variety in life).
- 4. You also need certainty (Knowing that when you come home, your house will be there).
- 5. Contribution (Do you feel as if you have something to offer the world?)
- 6. Love and connection (Do you have others that share your life with you?)
Mental Fitness
Mental Fitness
Who is driving the bus?
At some point, all of these things, or maybe some of them, will become extremely relevant when thinking about your fitness journey and your lifestyle choices. You can have the body of your dreams. You just need to change the way you think, or more specifically “Take control of your thinking” You are not a victim here; “YOU ARE DRIVING YOUR BUS”.
You need to check your environment. Is it congruent with your goals and objectives? You also need to make sure that the goals you set will help you increase the wholeness that you seek; if not, I wouldn’t even waste your time starting because you’ll never finish. I know it’s brutal, but it’s also true.
Im not interested in why you think the things you think, but it’s an Idea that you might want to ask yourself “How you think the things you think”. No one cares if you were tubby in school No one cares if you are as thin as a pencil. “What are you going to do about it now is all that really matters”.
Using a simple example
Being able to let go of arguments you're busy trying to win but asking yourself what it is you're trying to really win?
With any goal, holding yourself accountable and maintaining the integrity of your word is arguably the most important thing. It's definitely not comfortable and most certainly not right.
Sticking to Goals
Like, if you say I'm going to go to the gym, make sure you go to the gym If you say you’re going to get up and train before work, make sure you get up and train before work. Behind any of these tasks that you set yourself or agree to, you’ll find your goals sitting right there.
Take Effort
But let's be VERY clear: “This will take effort, your effort.” Remember, your mind cannot process negative instructions, so there is no point telling them. If I were to say to you, Don't think of a blue tree, I already know what you're thinking about. You're thinking about A blue tree.
Fight backs
What are you going to do NOW?
We could stay here for hours, answering all these questions. BUT….
I don’t know what Im doing at the gym
Same I don’t know what Im doing either. Nobody does, and that’s the beauty of it—everyone is just making it up. Yes, some of us follow better programmes than others, but the truth is that sometimes it has to be trial and error. Some people like running, and some people like rowing, but both are going to aid you with base strength and cardiovascular endurance.
I don’t have time.
There is a direct correlation between high performance and exercise. People who exercise frequently are known to have more clarity of mind, live longer and healthier lives, and it's brilliant for stress release, not to mention a sense of accomplishment. Plus, if you don’t have time to exercise, what are you doing here? Clear off and find another Website!
Everyone is watching me
Take the compliment; they’re probably doing one of three things: they find you interesting or relatable; they’re using you to inflate their own self-image; or they just plan to be nosey. Whatever it is, who cares? You’re there for you, not them!
I don’t like cardio.
Me either, but I like being out of shape much less. Cardio is a means to an end, and our cardio programmes are a lot more varied than you would think, plus you don't have to run for miles!
I don’t like weights.
We have workouts that are bodyweight only, so you can use and master your own bodyweight with strength fitness and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) type programmes.
What can you do?
No Justification strong enough
There should be no justification strong enough to prevent you from achieving your goals in this life.
Let’s start working and see what we can come up with! Register for the risk-free trial.